

About the conditions to participate:

  • Fiction, documentary and animation web series, as well as audiovisual products of pure digital animation and video games, national and international will be able to participate in the LWF 2022. Any other format and / or genre will be evaluated by the selection committee.
  • Works with a production, publication and / or commercial date will be accepted, from August 1, 2020.
  • The series must have a minimum of four chapters published on an online platform.
  • The duration time cannot exceed ten minutes per chapter; otherwise, the selection committee will reserve the right of admission.
  • In the case of digital animations, they must have been conceived for the web and must not last longer than 10 minutes.
  • In the case of video games, they must be finalized and allow their use.
  • You can participate with a maximum of 4 projects per producer and / or participant, owner or representative of the rights.
  • Enrollment in this contest implies acceptance of these regulations and the authority of the organizer.


About registration and deadlines:


  • Registration is free and will be done online at from April 26 to August 15, 2022
  • The producer or legal representative in charge of the rights must state before the organizing committee, before July 31, their desire to participate by filling the registration form for each project they present.
  • The registration form has the validity of a sworn declaration, in which it will be stated that the producer or representative has the legal rights of the work in participation. Likewise, the acknowledgment and acceptance of these regulations will be recorded.
  • Producers, filmmakers and others linked to audiovisual products or video games selected for the official competition and / or public vote, undertake not to disseminate their participation on any official site and social networks.
  • Any non-compliance with this document will be grounds for disqualification of the contestants at the festival.


About the Categories and Evaluation Criteria:

  • The LWF includes an Official Section and an Online Public Vote.
  • The web series, digital animations and video games will be included in the sections according to the consideration of the elective committee, reserving any right according to its decision.
  • The selected productions and video games will be published on the official website during the month of September, the month in which the Lima Web Fest takes place.
  • Both the Jury and the public may define their votes in the publication period of the contestant web series, mentioned in the previous point.
  • The press releases and announcements of the winners can be seen from the last week of September.
  • The Official Section considers the following sections to participate:
    • Best Screenplay
    • Best Art Direction
    • Best Animation Video
    • Best Script for an Animated Series
    • Best Art Direction for an Animated Series
    • Best Sound Direction for an Animated Series
    • Best Mobile Video Game
    • Best 3D Video Game
    • Best Direction for a Web Series
    • Best Male Performance for a Web Series
    • Best Female Performance for a Web Series
    • Best Editing and Post Production for a Web Series
    • Best Series according to online voting by the public for a Web Series
    • Best Web Series
  • The jury will reserve its choice until the winners of the various categories are publicly announced at the closing ceremony.
  • The Public Voting will be done online through the festival’s official website and will be announced publicly at the closing ceremony.
  • The selection committee reserves the rights to create and consider any other parallel section.
  • The evaluation criteria are the following:
    • Coherence of the project concept with the result.
    • Creativity, innovation and functionality.
    • Optimization of resources and / or means.
    • Contribution to audiovisual development on the web.
    • Contribution to the development of video games.


About the form of presentation

All projects must be presented as follows:

  • The producer or legal representative, in the case of web series, must send a link per selected chapter. For digital animations and video games, the download link.
  • For web series, the selected chapters must be preferably in Spanish or subtitled in Spanish.
  • Producers and distributors participating in the festival must include in all publicity and press material, in any means of dissemination, the recognition of belonging to the “Official Selection”, using the Lima Web Fest logo.
  • Similarly, producers and distributors who have been recognized and awarded in any of the festival categories, must include in all publicity and press material, in any means of dissemination, the festival logo.
  • In the case of web series, registration must be accompanied by a complete technical file per chapter presented, which includes the following: synopsis, filmography and biography of the director and producer, credits of the technical and artistic staff, 4 photos of the high resolution series and press and broadcast material (if available).
  • In the case of digital animations, the registration must be accompanied by a complete technical file, which includes the following: synopsis, biography of the director and producer, credits of the technical and artistic staff, 4 photos of the animation in high resolution and material of press and diffusion (in case of having it).
  • In the case of video games, the registration must be accompanied by a complete technical file, which includes the following: description, biography of the director and producer, credits of the technical and artistic staff, 4 high resolution photos of the video game and press material and dissemination (if available).
  • The festival may use the data and materials sent by the producers, as well as fragments of the competing productions, reserving the rights as it deems necessary for the dissemination and publicity of the event.
  • Submissions or other information that has not been required through the official website of the festival will not be accepted.
  • Platforms such as: YouTube, Vimeo and any other video platform and free access will be accepted.


About the jury:

  • The jury will evaluate each project and choose the winners. The qualification will be made based on the evaluation criteria, and the awarding of prizes will be given by the average score obtained in the general qualification.
  • Being the jury the highest authority of the contest, its decisions are final.
  • Its faculties are: interpreting the regulations, resolving any unforeseen consideration, declaring the winners of each category, declaring the prizes for categories that have not reached the expected standards, expanding and / or modifying categories depending on the pieces and / or projects presented.


About the awards:

It is a single award for each category, plus the award for public voting.

Official competition:

Award by category and public vote: LWF Trophy and diploma of recognition.


On image rights and intellectual property

The organizer:

  • He or she assumes that all the projects registered to participate in the LWF 2022 are original and the participant registers them in compliance with all intellectual property regulations.
  • He or she assumes that the producer who registers a project has the authorization of the producing company or intellectual owners.
  • Automatically disqualifies the participant for any controversy regarding the previous points.
  • He or she assumes that the participant authorizes the publication of the images of the competing projects in promotional media.
  • He or she is not responsible for incorrect information provided by the participants.


About online voting:

  • LWF 2022 will include a public award for the most voted project on the page
  • This choice will be based on the popularity of the project, and will not influence in any way the decisions of the jury for the evaluation of the LWF 2022 awards.
  • Anyone in the public can participate by entering the web and voting for their favorite project.
  • Voting will be open until 04 days prior to the day of the awards; After this date, the jury of the three finalists will be chosen and the votes will be counted for the election of the most voted project, the recipient of the public award.
  • The most voted projects and the three finalists will be published on the page the day before the awards event.
  • Likewise, the three projects that have remained as finalists will be presented at the LWF 2022 Awards Ceremony, where the first place winner will also be announced, who will be the recipient of the prize awarded by the public.
  • The LWF 2022 organization reserves the right to disqualify certain projects if any type of suspicious behavior is observed in public voting (attempted hacking, vote manipulation, etc.)


They join us at LIMA WEB FEST 2024