“Web Series the Audiovisual R(e)volution”, international webinar with top-level guests, has been the first activity carried out to launch the Lima Web Fest 2021 Edition.
The event counted with the participation of Rose of Dolls (Spain), Sergio Kalili (Brazil) and Csongor Dobrotka (Germany), who explained to an international audience in countries of Asia, Europe, North America and South America, the importance of the web festivals around the world.
The webinar was led by Luis Felipe Alvarado, Academic Director of Communications at the Toulouse Lautrec School and organizer of the event.
Topics such as innovation in the audio-visual field, the diverse audience and favorable production conditions that benefit the creation of more “personal” or “author- like” content, were some of the topics addressed by the experts and shared with more than 1000 participants, who went online from different parts of the world.

“The possibility that it raises for the audiovisual producer, a material made for the web, is presented as an alternative for independent production,” said Luis Felipe Alvarado, who also adds that “traditional television production will not be replaced in the mid- term, but the ways of consumption by a young viewer, who accesses the content of their choice through their mobile or their PC, transform the narratives and adapt them to this new audience. What’s more, platforms like Netflix also buy and distribute series. Stories are being transformed, for the better”.
Web series festivals around the world are an alternative to discover the works of young creators and connect them with the world; in addition to the possibility of generating alliances, co-productions and countless benefits for a producer and a web series creator.
More similar events are coming.
The party has just begun!
They join us at LIMA WEB FEST 2024

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